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Enforcement Order EPD-WP-9468

Facility City of Jeffersonville
County Twiggs County
Cause of Order Failure to submit DMRs timely; failure to submit soil fertility tests; failure to have the person in charge of the daily operation of the Facility be a minimum of a Class III Certified Operator; failure to develop and implement a WPP; failure to evaluate and repair or replace its downgradient monitoring well
Requirements of Order Submit spill reporting standard operating procedures for EPD review; submit a CAP and an approvable WPP; submit a groundwater monitoring well Work Plan; complete implementation of the activities on approved Work Plan or repair the downgradient well; provide quarterly reports and submit quarterly Demand Letters
Settlement Amount $275.00
Legal Authority Water Quality Control Act (including Surface Water Allocation)
Publication Date For Proposed Order 22‑Jan‑2024
Date Comment Period Closes 21‑Feb‑2024
Date Executed 26‑Feb‑2024
Publication Date For Executed Order 4‑Mar‑2024
File Attachments None