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Enforcement Order EPD-SW-2980

Facility Cedar Grove Landfill, LLC
County Lamar County
Cause of Order Operating a working face larger than permitted, operating with a soil stockpile that is inadequate for fire protection; failed to maintain adequate soil for firefighting purposes, they have failed to limit the working face to a size that is suitable for their available resources, intermediate cover and stabilization is not adequate allowing for rills and exposed waste, controls to direct stormwater contacting waste away from stormwater structures was insufficient
Requirements of Order Submit Permit Modification Requests for Facility 1 and Facility 2 for review and approval
Settlement Amount $10,000.00
Legal Authority Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act
Date Executed 19‑Feb‑2024
Publication Date For Executed Order 29‑Jul‑2024
File Attachments None