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Enforcement Order EPD-AQC-7374

Facility ALSCO Inc
County DeKalb County
Cause of Order Failing to get prior authorization and apply for a new permit before making modifications at the Facility; failing to certify the boiler was not adjusted during ozone season after the initial adjustments; failing to maintain a record of startup, shutdown, or malfunctions; not having malfunction lists or maintenance logs for the dryers
Requirements of Order Shall send an organized malfunctions list for the unpermitted dryers; shall send startup, shutdown, and malfunctions logs for the permitted dryers properly identifying the dryers using the source codes of emissions units from the permit
Settlement Amount $5,000.00
Legal Authority Air Quality Act
Date Executed 14‑Aug‑2024
Publication Date For Executed Order 2‑Sep‑2024
File Attachments None