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Enforcement Order EPD-AQC-6886

Facility Pinova, Inc.
County Glynn County
Cause of Order Failure to: maintain records, furnish to the Division requested info, provide notification of ownership change, submit updated permit application, submit performance test results, conduct fuel analysis, demonstrate continuous compliance w/ chlorine, mercury and TSM limits, submit the NOCS, develop site-specific monitoring plan, submit first semiannual compliance report, continuously monitor and record applicable parameter values, operating No. 9 boiler w/out good operational practices, conduct an annual tune-up on No. 9 and 10 Boilers, submit fourth quarter 2016 report and 2016 ACC, identify all reportable periods of excess emissions, exceedances and/or excursions, provide all necessary information, accurately certify compliance status, continuously monitor parameters, maintain system by which to take and record corrective actions to comp;y w/ excursions at the Crown Extractor Wood Inlet Vent and Crown Head Space, install, calibrate and operate a flow indicator, ensure monitoring instrument for detecting leaks is calibrated, document and/or conduct visual inspections, develop a system to ensure that after a pressure release, pressure relief devices are returned to a condition indicated by an instrument reading, repair leaking components, document and/or conduct inspections of the Vinsol baghouse, annual training for visible emissions, maintain a log of corrective actions, document maintenance plan, continuously monitor various parameters
Requirements of Order Ensure all information requested in 2017 NOV is submitted and corrective action taken; pay stipulated penalty for any delay in submitting items to Division; if fail to submit requested items w/ in 12 months of execution of Order, Respondent will be deemed in violation of Order
Settlement Amount $30,000.00
Legal Authority Air Quality Act
Date Executed 15‑Dec‑2017
Publication Date For Executed Order 18‑Dec‑2017
File Attachments None