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Enforcement Order EPD-AQC-6963

Facility Prime Pak Foods, Inc.
County Hall County
Cause of Order Not having a Risk Management Program in place no later than the date the new engine room construction was completed in 2012, when above the threshold quantity of ammonia was first present in a process; not maintaining all required information pertaining to the worst-case and alternative release scenarios; not having documented a compilation of process safety information related to the regulated substance, process, and equipment ; failing to conduct an initial process hazard analysis on the covered process; not having developed written operating procedures to provide clear instructions or steps for safely conducting activities associated in the covered process; not having documentation that operators presently involved in operating the process, and before being involved in operating a newly assigned process, have received and understood operating procedure training ; not having prepared and implemented procedures to maintain the ongoing mechanical integrity of process equipment; not establishing and implementing written procedures to manage changes to process chemicals, technology, equipment and procedures, and changes to stationary sources that affect a covered process; not performing a pre-startup safety review for new stationary sources or modified stationary sources when the modification is significant enough to require a change in the process safety information; not conducting a compliance audit at least every 3 years; not investigating each incident that resulted in, or could reasonably result in, a catastrophic release; not having a written plan of action regarding the implementation of the employee participation requirements; not having a contractor selection program in place to obtain and evaluate information regarding the contract owner or operator's safety performance and programs; not having submitted a RMP to US EPA by the date on which Ammonia (anhydrous) was first present above a threshold quantity in a process
Requirements of Order W/in 30 days of the execution of this Order, the Respondent shall submit to the Division a copy of the initial training documentation for each operator, including maintenance personnel; w/in 30 days of this Order, the Respondent shall submit to the Division a copy of the documentation of coordination with the local emergency planning and response organizations
Settlement Amount $10,000.00
Legal Authority Air Quality Act
Date Executed 29‑Apr‑2019
Publication Date For Executed Order 6‑May‑2019
File Attachments None